LA REDEMPCIÓ DELS PEIXOS “Of incredible sweetness and sensitivity. I adored everything, the excellently selected and magnificent actors, Venice so sweet, the dialogues, the story, everything: Bravissimo!” Adelina Cúberyan von Fúrstenberg, Director of ART for The World.
EL ESCRITOR DE UN PAÍS SIN LIBRERÍAS is a film about a rarely discussed topic – in our cinema and in any cinema – but no less urgent for that reason. Openly political and militant of a transformative discourse through the assumption of positions on the international board and cultural involvement. It had seven nominations (for the Goya) and at least the documentary one was well deserved.” Francesc Miró, “El Diario.es”.
LA NIT QUE VA MORIR L’ELVIS “The proposal mixes the sacred and the profane in a curious way. The altarpieces of passion give way to a series of perverse performances in which an entire dark and obsessive world comes to light.” Àngel Quintana, Cahiers du Cinema.
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