1939-1975 La España de Franco en Color is produced by Minoria Absoluta in collaboration with Veo Televisión and DMAX, with the participation of ICAA and the Spanish Film Library, and distributed by TONED MEDIA. The film has been possible thanks to having access to the documentary collections of the NO-DO and other files of the Spanish Film Archive.
November 22, 1975. Juan Carlos de Borbón is proclaimed king of Spain. Two days before Francisco Franco had died, the dictator who for almost 40 years had ruled the nation. After winning the Civil War, Franco becomes the “Caudillo” of Spain. The military, the church and “Falange” are the pillars of his dictatorship. In the first years, any trait of republicanism is erased and all those designated as enemies of “the Fatherland” executed, punished and repressed. Franco’s regime is aligned with Hitler and Mussolini, but when World War II turns towards the victory of the Allied side, Franco is forced to distance himself from fascism. The NO-DO, the official news program of the regime, is responsible for projecting an ideal image of Spain that masks reality: the country is isolated, underdeveloped and impoverished. The Cold War gives Franco a chance to survive in the new world order. His regime, ultrareligious and anti-communist, finds in the Vatican and the United States two international guarantees. The sixties, is the decade of Franco’s splendor, economic development, the boom of tourism and the exodus from the countryside to the industrial zones transform the country. The workers and student movements and political dissidence also grow, and the regime represses them harshly. With the murder of Carrero Blanco, in 1973, the agony of Franco began. The Caudillo dies on November 20, 1975 but the shadow of his dictatorship will last in the future.